Sunday, June 30, 2019

5 Tips To Help You Pick The Best Durian

Durian is a notoriously divisive fruit. People are either enchanted devotees or downright haters of the fruit. The fact that it smells “like a bunch of dead cats” (according to Bob Halliday, who is a Bangkok-based food writer) doesn’t help either. The smell is so potent that the fruit is banned on Singapore’s public transit systems. However, those who love the fruit would tell you that, even though it is an acquired taste, it is delicious. Do you want to try this fruit out? Here are some tips that might help you pick the best durian:
  1. Smell
Many people suggest smelling the base of the fruit, but that is not helpful. The base is the thicker part of the fruit, making it hard to smell the aroma. The most effective way to smell a durian is along its seam or split lines. If there is no aroma, it means that the fruit is unripe. If the smell is too strong, it means that it is overripe. Ideally, it should have a very mild fragrance.
  1. Shake
Hold the durian firmly and give it a good shake. If you hear something moving inside, it means that the flesh is dry. On the other hand, if there is no noise, it means that the fruit is either unripe or overripe. Unripe durian has bland hard flesh while an overripe one has waterlogged flesh. An ideally ripe durian, when shaken, should produce a clear but slightly squishy sound.
buy durian near me

  1. Check the shape
When you see durian that is round, it means that it has more chambers. However, that does not mean that it will taste good. Perfectly-round durians usually taste dry. You should rather look out for irregularly shaped ones, especially those that are oval or slightly oblong.
  1. Check the size
Different varieties of durians have different sizes. For instance, Red Prawn durians are usually large. So, you should be careful if a seller points to a small durian and calls it a Red Prawn. It is advisable that you familiarize yourself with the different sizes before you go shopping for durian.
  1. Look at the stem
Fresh durians usually have a moist stem end that is light in color. Also, thicker stems mean that the fruit has received a lot of nutrients from the tree, and thus has juicier and fleshier pulp.
If you wish to avoid the hassle of picking out a durian and then regretting that decision, it is best if you order it from one of the online fruit delivery services in the UK. This will guarantee that you receive high-quality fruit.

Author’s bio: The author is a blogger. This article is about tips to buy the best durian.